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Holograms Have Taken a Giant Leap

Holograms Have Taken a Giant Leap

Holograms perform some of the most complex manipulations of lights and enable the storing and reproduction of all information carried by light in 3D. Whereas standard photographs and computer monitors capture and display portions of 2D information, holograms offer an intense insight into realism via imagery.

Physicists from the ANU (Australian National University) have developed a device that creates the highest quality holographic images to date. Part of the research took place in collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory in both the US and China while AUN led the design, the fabrication and the overall optical testing for the device.

The device is tiny in size but powerful in creative potential and has changed the way holograms are seen and will be created from now on, opening the doors to sci fi fantasies seen on movies such as Star Wars.

Researcher and Co leader of the new found holographic device led on that the development consisted of using millions of silicon pillars, each up to 500 times thinner than a human hair.

The ability to structure materials at a nanoscale means the device is able to achieve new optical properties and offer new insights into the visualisation of imagery. Research into holography offers an important role in the development of image display in relation to current and future affairs and this is a huge step forwards in the direction of modern image engineering.

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