End-to end GPS Technology Offers Solution for Cargo Tracking

End-to end GPS Technology Offers Solution for Cargo Tracking

Every day, large volumes of cargo is transported around the world over land, sea and through the air. In order to keep track of the cargo being moved, companies utilise a range of different tracking services. One of the ways that transported goods can be tracked is using GPS enabled tracking devices. Using GPS is an ideal solution for the shipment of more valuable packages, giving the logistics professionals and the clients involved with these higher value shipments peace of mind.


These kinds of tracking devices can be fitted to nearly any kind of cargo in need of transportation. The GPS enabled devices can also be fitted in either a open or covert way in order to monitor the location of the cargo while also not drawing attention to the value of the contents of the package.


When installing tracking devices, logistics companies are able to choose between two different types. These different device types reflects the way that the location is recorded, and how the tracker operates. The Passive tracker utilises GPS location information in order to record its position and possibly a collection of background information such as the temperature and the humidity throughout the transportation. With these types of tracking system the information is stored in the tracking unit, in some kind on internal memory or on a memory card that can be downloaded at a later date for analysis.
The second type of tracking device s an Active tracker, which works by transmitting real time location and environmental data which is then received by a central tracking portal. This device means that the information can be viewed by the owner of the cargo, or the tracking company involved in the transportation operation, meaning that the data can be monitored of the clients. This style of device is useful when a shipment is delayed, as the clients and recipients can be kept up to date and provided with an amended and more accurate timeline. This kind of device could struggle when passing through buildings, losing signal and experiencing a delay when moved. Therefore the creation of end to end visibility is vital and the use of a GPS repeater can offer a solution. GPS repeater technology offers indoor coverage and allows these tracking devices to be operated, testes, repaired and calibrated inside a building.

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