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Roke Working with Jaguar Range Rover to Create Autoland Technology

Roke Working with Jaguar Range Rover to Create Autoland Technology

Roke, the world-class consultancy focused on technology that is based in Romsey, Hampshire. It has been announced that Roke will be working with Jaguar Range Rover in order to create autoland technology that could significantly improve search and rescue missions by incorporation an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. The technology is being into to the Land Rover Discovery.

The collaboration has led to a trial that happened Last month in Erzberg Mine, Austria. This test was in conjunction with The Red Cross which is opening the way to Unmanned vehicles or UAVs. The progress from their technology that could save human volunteers that take part in their rescue missions.

The autoland technology designed by Roke uses cameras and image processing in order to allow the UAV to operate and land autonomously. Without Roke’s technology, the UAV would still need an operator in order to land the vehicle, or would rely on a communications infrastructure in order to land autonomously. The new technology designed by Roke would require neither. The new technology would be able to identify and avoid obstacles in order to land safely even on a moving platform.

By developing technology that doesn’t rely on an already established communications infrastructure means that the UAV would be able to go on search and rescue missions in the most remote parts of the world. These remote missions could be the most dangerous for the human operator, for example natural disasters. The UAVs will also be able to be used in man-made disasters and places where the communications infrastructure is destroyed.

Combining Roke’s technology with the all-terrain Land Rover Discovery means that they have the opportunity to involve UAVs in off grid missions which could mean that the vehicle needs to travel off road. This means the UAV could be a part of missions in the wilds of Africa or a mountain rescue situation.

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