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How Automation Will Save the Free Enterprise


How Automation Will Save the Free Enterprise : The financial and economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 spread has left a wide range of long-lasting negative effect not only on the individuals, but also on a remarkable number of small and medium-sized enterprises. The danger (not completely over yet, by the way), for many of them, was to close down once and for all. In order to ensure their production continuity and procure their survival, many companies had to resort to drastic, sometimes extreme measures: staff cuts or layoffs, suspension of the activities, bank loans. Getting back up after all of this is, for many company owners, a mammoth task, especially if they’re not backed up by a substantial opening of credit from the financial institutions.

In particular, the manufacturing companies suffer dramatically from this situation, probably more than the other ones. But, at the same time, they are those that have a special weapon at their disposal, to beat the crisis and put themselves back on track permanently. It is called automation, and it’s a kind of upgrade that the whole world of manufacturing will have to face, sooner or later, although many companies operating in this sector keep on postponing that moment.

Working with automated machines offers a number of advantages and not even the semblance of a downside, in the face of an initial investment that can be recuperated in a few years or maybe less. Below, we have detected the most significant benefits.

  1. Reduction of the workforce. The human contribution will always be crucial in the manufacturing industry, but in the future, it will focus more and more on the creative part of the job. The actual serial realization of the objects will be delegated to the machines. This implies that the traditional (and often criticized for their “dehumanization” of human work) assembly lines are bound to disappear.
  2. Reduction of the error margin. The automated machines repeat constantly the same operations the same way with the same timing. Moreover, the most evolved ones are managed by an Artificial Intelligence, able to verify piece by piece the congruity of the work done. This means that the margin of error is dropped to virtually nothing.
  3. Increase in production. Machines have no working schedules: they are able to work unceasingly until the production line is completed. This, for the company, means at least three things: more ability to handle big orders, a lot of time saved and the chance to increase its customer portfolio.

Clearly, to obtain all of this without any setback, a company must equip itself with the most performing and reliable working machines currently available on the market. And there are only a few providers able to realize and customize them according to the client’s need.

For example, TRA-C is a manufacturer of custom automated machines, whose peculiarity is the extreme flexibility for what concerns the variety of options offered to the customer. This feature is combined with a top-notch reliability in terms of long-term performances. To the point that we can state that the future of the majority of our small and medium-sized enterprises is now brighter, thanks to providers like this one.

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