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Research Underway to Develop Design Flaw Sensors Using AI

Research Underway to Develop Design Flaw Sensors Using AI

A research project has been launched and led by a team of scientists at Cardiff University in order to look at the different ways in which sensors that are embed into products such as bikes that would be beneficial to manufacturers and allow them to correct any possible design flaws almost instantly.

The Scientists have launched the £1.5 million research project that will explore how the design of everyday products such as bikes and cars can then be immediately adapted if there were any flaws found in the design. This research, called the Chatty Factories project has announced that they will be looking into creating a system that will see the products talking back to the factory floor where they are produced. It is thought that this technology will be able to offer a better connection between people, products and production processes. According to the organisers of this project, the system would work by using the customer data which has been gathered by using the customer data that has been gathered from in-built sensors in products.

This research is being funded by the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. The work into the implementation of sensors is expected to take three years and is being led by a team at Cardiff University. The project will also include the work and input from scientists at the University of Edinburgh, the University of Nottingham, Lancaster University and Bath Spa University.

The main focus of this research is to make the most of the expanding range of artificial intelligence that is being developed as well as the data stored in so-called factories of the future. It is hoped that the work carried out over the next three years will lead to time and money being saved on concept design, prototyping and consumer research.

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