Our Cars Will Soon Talk To Each Other: Vehicle-To-Infrastructure Communication

Our Cars Will Soon Talk To Each Other: Vehicle-To-Infrastructure Communication : In the automotive industry technology transforms and evolves at a frighteningly quick pace, and if any recent projections are to come to fruition we will see plenty more amazing innovations in years to come. It’s expected that self-parking, already a highly advanced technology, will only become more nuanced in future years as we begin to understand it further. Currently there are many cars that can park by themselves and it is increasingly becoming a standard extra. However, recent improvements in technology may lead to cars not just being able to park themselves, but being able to find a space to park independent of the driver’s contribution. This is known as vehicle-to-infrastructure communication and pretty much means in the future we will be able to talk to our cars through a network and tell it where open spaces are available. But communication with our cars will not end there. It is expected that as we continue to advance in that area, we can reach a point where cars can communicate with each other, in such ways as to notify each other of weather conditions, roadworks and even live updates on motorway accidents. All this potentially without us even asking or knowing that this data transfer is taking place. This network between cars will notify all drivers of any potential dangers and as fail safes could even automatically shut down, thereby serving to reduce car crash and injury statistics nationwide to record lows. For when we will be able to communicate with our cars, we are likely to use smartphones/watches to even greater capacities than we are currently. There are as of writing numerous apps that can let people use smartphones to connect with their car, but as this technology becomes more mainstream, so does its opportunities. Hyundai are one of the first manufacturers to incorporate smartphone apps to enable a number of features, including starting and shutting off the engine, and flashing lights. Manufacturing & Engineering Magazine | The Home of Manufacturing Industry News