The International Metrology Congress Is Calling for Paper Submissions

The International Metrology Congress Is Calling for Paper Submissions : The International Metrology Congress (CIM) will be back from 24 to 26 September 2019 in Paris (France), in partnership with the Measurement World Show. This unique event is a launchpad for innovation, and a sharing platform for technical partners, industry, research centers and start-ups. With 200 presentations and 6 round tables, the objective of CIM 2019 is to explore the evolution of techniques, advances in R&D, industrial best practices. All industrial fields are concerned. AUDIENCE 1000 participants, 45 countries, with 35% international participants 70% end-users of measurement technology in industry and laboratories 30% official bodies, academics and researchers TOPICS R&D and Prospects: data qualification, analysis and security, advanced manufacturing, predictive maintenance, industrial IOT, energy efficiency, health diagnosis, quantum technology, and AI. Processes: uncertainties, traceability, cost optimisation, ISO/CEI 17025 and risks management. Techniques and best practices: mass, force, flow, pressure, dimension, electricity, time-frequency, temperature, optics , chemical and biological measurements. The CIM 2019 is organised by the Collège Francais de Métrologie with the support of: BEA Metrologie, BIPM, BOSCH, CETIAT, CETIM, COFRAC, Digiplant Consulting, EA, EURAMET, IMPLEX, PTB (DE), STIL, TRESCAL, LNE, OIML, NPL (GB), NCSLi (US), PSA GROUP, SPF ECONOMIE (BE), and University of Burgundy. Manufacturing & Engineering Magazine | The Home of Manufacturing Industry News