Evergreen to convert 767s for Boeing

Evergreen to convert 767s for Boeing : Aircraft manufacturer Boeing has chosen Evergreen Aviation Technologies for its 767-300 Boeing Converted Freighter (BCF) programme. Under the deal, Taiwanese aircraft maintenance repair and overhaul facility EGAT will modify and convert the planes into 767-300BCFs, with the first plane due to be redelivered in 2018. Boeing has received 27 firm orders worldwide for the 767-300BCF. Converted 767-300BCFs have about the same cargo capability as the 767-300 production freighter with about 52 tonnes structural payload at a range of approximately 3,000 nautical miles (5,930 km.) and 412,000 lbs. (187,270 kg.) maximum take-off weight. There are 24 main deck pallet positions. EGAT has previously carried out airframe conversions for the Dreamlifters programme of converted 747s used to support the 787 program as well as a 747-400 propulsion test platform for GE Aviation in 2014. Article taken from http://www.aircargonews.net/news/single-view/news/evergreen-to-convert-767s-for-boeing.html Manufacturing & Engineering Magazine | The Home of Manufacturing Industry News