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Employee-Owned, PB Design, Leads the Charge Toward Net Zero

Employee-Owned, PB Design, Leads the Charge Toward Net Zero

From their base in Clevedon, North Somerset, PB Design develop and sell a range of battery chargers, switch trippers, UPS, batteries, and system services for all types of AC and DC standby applications. 

Early advocates for environmental responsibility, PB Design have implemented a range of initiatives including upgraded insulation, hybrid working and digital meetings to reduce fuel consumption, and reuse of supplier’s packaging. 

Additionally, PB understand that informing employees about environmental goals and educating them on how they can help is critical to success, so training is a big part of their strategy. 

Scott says, “Make UK consistently deliver training material that is well-structured and user-friendly, going above and beyond expectations. The tutors effectively communicate each point and urge us to use relevant examples for our organisation.”

Mark Stubbs, Environment, Health and Safety Consultant, at Make UK says, “Engaging with all levels of the workforce to explore attitudes and perceptions in more detail helps ensure that any programme you’re introducing is not viewed as a top-down initiative. Since culture is dictated by people’s behaviour when they are unsupervised, this sense of ownership is essential.”

With the installation of additional solar panels PB have doubled their annual generation of renewable electricity from some 60,000 to 120,000kWh. This generates £21,000 p.a. and combined with a new battery storage installation enables them to use more of their renewable electricity (rather than import it at 0.25p a kWh). Within their factory they have reduced their carbon emissions from imported electricity and gas by 40% from 25 tonnes in 2022 to 14 tonnes in 2023. PB have offset emissions from company vehicles and other scope 2 activities by purchasing 40 (tonnes of) Gold Standard Verified Carbon Units (VCU’s) in the Rimba Raya Bioversity Reserve in Indonesia and the Soubre Hyropower Project in Ivory. 

All of this means PB Design at now “net zero” at scope 2. Never a team to stand still, PB Design’s next step is to progress with the demanding task of achieving scope 3.

Martin Elliker, Senior Learning and Development Consultant at Make UK, explains, “Scope 3 includes all emissions that an organisation is indirectly responsible for, up and down its value chain. Businesses have much less control on how Scope 3 emissions are addressed.”

PB Design collaborate with suppliers on solutions to reduce emissions and consider environmental impact when sourcing new suppliers. Scott Commons, QHSE Manager, says, “I always enquire about carbon footprint and what they’re doing to reduce their carbon emissions. It is imperative that they’re aligned with our goals.”

In recognition of their efforts, PB Design were shortlisted for six categories in the Make UK Manufacturing Awards 2023, scooping wins in the Developing Future Talent category and Manufacturer of the Region (for the South).

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