Financing Smart Manufacturing : For many companies, delaying change in adopting a smart factory model is no longer an option. An increasing shortage of skilled staff, pressure on operating margins and the need to re-engineer business processes means that manufacturers…
Manufacturers are already deploying a host of digital technologies; the challenge in many instances is that these are being implemented in isolation. A new whitepaper by MPA, a leading professional services business, looks at the individual elements needed for smart…
By 2036, drones will represent a $30 billion industry according to a recent study. Drones have emerged as a significant force for optimising and enhancing business operations in today’s society. From monitoring remote infrastructures, such as oil pipelines, power transmission…
The Intelligent Mine project by Industrial digital technology provider, Zyfra, won the IoT Solutions Awards 2019, which recognise the best international projects developed in the field of industrial internet in the last year. Intelligent Mine is a complex solution for…
Commercial drone experts, COPTRZ will be hosting the UK’s first event to showcase the biggest range of the latest drones available from one supplier. Taking place on Thursday 7th of November 2019 at the Dunchurch Park Hotel (Rugby), the event…
Industry 4.0: Why you need to invest in it to increase growth : Manufacturers in the UK finished the year positively, with the strongest three months for growth since 2014. Markit/Cips UK Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index figures showed that activity…
We are all aware that digital technology has transformed the ways in which numerous businesses perform their daily tasks. This observation is just as relevant when referring to the industrial sector although it is perhaps slightly less visible. However, the…
Most Industrial Companies Planning to Implement 5G : Industrial companies are embracing 5G connectivity as a primary enabler of digital transformation, and plan to implement the technology within two years. This is spurring interest in private licenses, which nearly half…
A revolutionary new platform using the latest machine learning technology hopes to transform the video production industry. It works by matching a brand’s production brief with over one million filmmakers across the world, then scaling that down to the most…
North Yorkshire malt manufacturer Boortmalt Group has secured a multi-million pound international productivity and technology programme with Siemens Digital Industries, the specialist digitalisation/Industry 4.0 division of the Siemens Group. The digital programme is designed to reduce costs by up to…
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