Mech-Tool Engineering Moves on to next Stage of Hebron Project

Mech-Tool Engineering Moves on to next Stage of Hebron Project

Mech-Tool Engineering Limited will be providing a range of on-site supervision and inspection services for the completion and launch of the Hebron platform. The Teesside product manufacturer and global supplier of fire, blast and heat protection systems will be working on the platform, which is expected to produce oil by the end of this year.


This company has been working for the past four years on the Hebron Project, which is a 52 well offshore oilfield development located off of the Canadian Coast. The fire, blast and heat protection specialist has had more than 50 members of their team working on sites across Canada and South Korea in order to supply a range of fire and blast protection solutions for the offshore site. The Hebron Project is seen as a significant project for the fire safest specialists and moving on to the next phase of the project will further prove the company’s ability to deliver their services on this scale, on time and on budget.


Mech-Tool Engineering has been offering extensive technical support from offices in the UK and Korea during the design, engineering, manufacturing and delivery of their products to the Hebron Project. The contract for this project has been valued at around £14.5 million.


When the Hebron platform is up and running it is expected to pump up to 150,000 barrels of oil each day from the 52 well slots. With the hook up of the project now being carried out, the fire blast and heat protection specialists will be calling on their extensive experience of testing and inspection in order to make sure that their systems are installed to the highest standards on the oil platform.


The Hebron platform is being built off the province of Newfoundland and Labrador and will include duplex stainless steel fire and blast walls, blast relief walls, louvres, wind walls, fire doors and windows, all supplied by Mech-Tool Engineering.

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