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Free LEV Site Surveys on offer at Advanced Engineering

Free LEV Site Surveys on offer at Advanced Engineering

Filtermist Systems Limited will be showcasing its latest advancements in clean air solutions on stand L100 at Advanced Engineering on 2nd/3rd November and offering all show visitors an opportunity to register for a FREE LEV (local exhaust ventilation) Site Survey.

Compliance with Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2022 is necessary across all industries and as the UK’s leading provider of LEV extraction systems, Filtermist offers a vast range of products and services designed to make life easier for all UK manufacturers.

CEO James Stansfield comments, “Offering free LEV Site Surveys gives customers an opportunity for our experienced engineers to audit the existing control measures on site and, if needed, make recommendations about how they could be improved. Our colleagues use Dusttrak aerosol and dust monitors to measure the volume of airborne particles in key locations around production sites and will then report back on their findings.

“This could include suggesting additional filter units for machines which don’t have any extraction, or simply servicing the existing LEV systems to ensure they are performing as intended.”

In addition to its market-leading UK manufactured oil mist filters, Filtermist will also be showcasing a Dustcheck automatic reverse jet cleaned dust collector and two ATEX certified Kerstar industrial vacuum cleaners on its stand at Advanced Engineering.

Whilst widely known for its oil mist extraction within the UK’s sub-contract engineering community, Filtermist is less well-known for its dust and fume extraction capabilities, as James, explains; “We acquired the Dustcheck brand back in 2017 and Kerstar in 2019, and now manufacture both product ranges at our UK headquarters in Telford.

“Our ethos is to protect people from exposure to potentially harmful airborne contaminants. Most employers wouldn’t think twice about issuing the correct PPE to their workers, but PPE is actually bottom of the list in the HSE’s hierarchy of controls. After Elimination and Substitution, Engineering Controls such as LEV systems are widely regarded as the best method of reducing risk to people working in production environments.

“Advanced Engineering includes dedicated show zones for composite manufacturing and advanced metals, as well as aerospace and automotive – we are able to offer effective clean air solutions for all of these industries thanks to the breadth of our product portfolio and experienced team.”


Visit Stand L100 at the show to register for your free LEV Site Survey, or find out more about all products and services available from Filtermist in the UK by visiting or calling 01952 290500.


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