Manufacturing Industry is Undergoing an Exciting Digital Revolution

Manufacturing Industry is Undergoing an Exciting Digital Revolution

The manufacturing industry is undergoing an exciting digital revolution. A number of technologies are combining that could lead to the overlap of physical, digital and biological spheres. The advances that are taking place in the manufacturing sector, identified by their velocity, scope and impact could change everything about the industry and the people who work in it.

One of the most prominent areas of manufacturing which is feeling the impact of the advancement is the welding. In this area, the Industry 4.0 production requirements need more complex and advanced processes which can then lead to welds that perform better and last longer because of the stricter requirements.

With the higher expectations and improvements to the quality of welds throughout the industry 4.0, the workers in this area of manufacturing need to make sure that they are prepared for the challenges that advancements could create. These advancements, which are being seen as the fourth industrial revolution, means that the education system is being put under pressure because of the complexity of the changes taking place.

In order to make sure that the workforce of the manufacturing industry are properly equipped to handle the progress taking place in the industry the European Qualifications Framework are working towards making sure that the qualifications that are being given out are useful when starting to work in the industry. The European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting is a vital figure in the creation of a combined and complementary qualification for joining professionals. The EWF plan on making sure that the training and qualification that is taking place complies with the advancements taking place. The EWF also plan on creating new qualifications that fit with the updates in technology taking place as well as making sure that the education pathways are flexible in order to allow for a continuous development of knowledge for the industry.

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