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iPRODUCE Hackathon: Greek cMDF Showcases Innovative Plant Assistant


The iPRODUCE Hackathon, held from Thursday, April 20 to Saturday, April 22, 2023, brought together creative minds both physically and virtually. Today, we shine a spotlight on the activities and winners at the Greek cMDF (Creative Manufacturing and Design Framework).
Five teams participated in the event, showcasing their innovative ideas by utilizing the powerful OpIS platform tools.
Among the impressive array of concepts, one participant stood out as the winner of the Greek cMDF Hackathon. Afroditi Panidou, with her ingenious creation named “Monstera’s Assistant,” claimed the top spot by scoring the highest overall percentage.
Panidou’s winning idea centered around designing a moss pole as a plant assistant for climbing plants, specifically targeting the popular monstera species. The moss pole, made from sustainable materials, not only provides support for the plants but also enhances their aesthetics. Furthermore, the moss pole creates a natural humid environment that promotes the growth and health of the plants, making it a must-have for plant enthusiasts.
Panidou fully utilized the tools available on the OpIS platform, employing a 3D model design from Thingiverse to develop and test her concept. As the Greek winner, Panidou received a range of exciting prizes, including free 3D printing services and training at Aidplex and CERTH’s premises. Additionally, her achievement earned her a feature in the renowned “Manufacturing and Engineering Magazine,” providing high visibility to her innovative solution.

In an exclusive Q&A session, Panidou shed light on her winning entry and its differentiating factors. She emphasized that her design’s unique features, including an integrated self-watering system, set it apart from existing ideas in the marketplace. The combination of functionality and aesthetics makes the Monstera’s Assistant a desirable addition to both indoor and outdoor spaces.
Looking beyond the hackathon, Panidou’s creation holds potential applications in various markets. Indoor plant enthusiasts seeking optimal conditions for their monstera plants or other climbing varieties can benefit from the moss pole’s specialized support. The broader gardening and horticulture market can also leverage the Monstera’s Assistant to enhance plant growth and health. Additionally, the product’s visually appealing design and natural aesthetics make it a valuable decorative element for home decor and interior design.
Beyond these markets, nursery and plant retailers can include the Monstera’s Assistant as a complementary product to accompany their monstera plants, while aligning with sustainable living and eco-friendly trends. The product can also find a receptive audience among online plant communities, social media influencers, and gardening blogs, catering to plant enthusiasts who actively seek advice and recommendations.
Participating in the iPRODUCE Hackathon brought numerous benefits to Panidou’s personal development. The event provided access to essential resources, including cutting-edge tools and technologies necessary for developing innovative solutions. Moreover, the Hackathon fostered collaboration by bringing together individuals with diverse skills and backgrounds, enabling participants to work in teams, exchange ideas, and leverage each other’s strengths to create comprehensive and creative solutions.
The iPRODUCE Hackathon at the Greek cMDF showcased the power of innovation and collaboration in driving forward exciting ideas. Afroditi Panidou’s winning creation, the Monstera’s Assistant, exemplifies the potential for eco-friendly solutions that blend functionality and aesthetics, capturing the attention of plant enthusiasts and beyond. As the iPRODUCE initiative continues to empower inventors and creators, the future of manufacturing and design looks brighter than ever.

iPRODUCE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 870037. This publication reflects only the author’s view and that the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


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