Identify 3D and Renishaw Colaborate for Digital Manufacturing Supply Chain Solution

Identify 3D and Renishaw Colaborate for Digital Manufacturing Supply Chain Solution

Identify3D one of the leading software and digital supply chain companies have announced that they will be collaborating with Renishaw in order to offer an end-to-end secure digital manufacturing process for their users.

As part of this collaboration, Identify3D will be delivering data protection for the end-to-end digital manufacturing process, combined with the contractual and manufacturing licensing used from design to production on Renishaw’s AM systems.

The service that has been offered as a result of this collaboration will lead to all digital data in the engineering phase, the technology enables users of Renishaw’s systems to protect their digital intellectual property in order to enforce production rules and provide traceability in the digital supply chain at the highest standards in the industry.

Renishaw is aware of how vital it is to have an efficient and reliable control of data flow all of the way through the system to their machines. Therefore, it is great that one of the world’s leading engineering and scientific technology companies has chosen Identify3D as a strategic partner. This collaboration will help to offer an efficient and extensive solution for the manufacturing marketplace, from design to distribution and production.

In order to industrialise additive manufacturing, there needs to be control over a complex chain of processes in order deliver consistent and traceable, qualified parts for the end user. The secure transmission and controlled use of the digital IP will be beneficial going forward with the development of more flexible and agile Industry 4.0 supply chains.

At the moment, the two companies are working together on pilot projects for several manufacturing customers. This collaboration will hopefully in time all of sectors such as aerospace, automotive, defence and medical devices will be able to accelerate their adoption of AM, allowing for the secure, distributed manufacturing process throughout the supply chains in the sector.

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