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5 Ways Workforce Management Software can help Manufacturers in 2021

Portrait of smiling factory worker standing with a digital tablet in the factory

5 Ways Workforce Management Software can help Manufacturers in 2021 : 2020 has shown how important it is for manufacturers to have real-time, accurate information on employee Time, Attendance, Schedules and Skills to proactively manage their workforce and cope with the current unpredictable environment. Success relies on being able to quickly and flexibly schedule employees to ensure the right people with the right skills are in the right place at the right time.

In the wake of the disruption caused by Covid-19 and Brexit many manufacturers have identified the need to improve Employee Time, Attendance and Scheduling processes in their organization so they are in a better position to respond flexibly to whatever challenges 2021 brings.

The good news is whether you’re using spreadsheets to track Employee Time & Attendance and Scheduling or you already have a clocking system in place there are huge benefits to be gained quickly through the use of Workforce Management Software such as

  1. Ensuring the Health & Safety of your Employees.

With Workforce Management Technology, you can ensure optimal shift patterns that consider health and safety requirements, procedures and regulations. Your system will be able to tell you who is working where and when? Who in their teams have they been in contact with? If they have been absent, is it now safe for them to return to work? Do they need to self-isolate? Do they need a return to work interview? Have they filled out a return to work form?

  1. Workforce Planning & Optimization.

Employers need to find ways to ensure their workforce is optimized to meet the unpredictable environment we face in 2021. To do this effectively, requires having proper insight into employee costs and productivity. Workforce Management Software provides this information allowing you to plan and optimize workforce deployment whilst maintaining the required levels of productivity and service required.

  1. Managing New Ways of Working.

A good Workforce Management Software system provides a fully automated way to record hours worked no matter how or where your employees work.  It’s easy to keep track of flexi balances, time in lieu and manage planned/unplanned absences. Employees can log attendance on a PC, tablet or mobile either through clocking or by honour based email timesheets. No need for spreadsheets and no manual processes – saving time, eliminating errors and reducing administration.

  1. Attracting & Retaining Employees by Giving them more Control.

Through the use of Employee Self-Service Solutions and Apps, employees can now easily organize and manage their own time, attendance, schedules, annual leave, absences and personal details. This in turn reduces queries, calls and emails to line managers, HR and Payroll Departments and instead puts this information directly into the hands of employees promoting employee satisfaction, engagement and retention.

  1. Forecasting & Planning for the Future.

Planning for the future requires the ability to ensure you can optimize your workforce deployment to suit a variety of scenarios and conditions. This is where a good Workforce Management Software Solution will be your best friend. The technology will allow you to optimize workforce planning, scheduling and deployment by aligning your resources with demand.

Find out more in Softworks latest free whitepaper:  5 Reasons Now is a good time to upgrade your Workforce Management Technology.

You can download the white paper here or Tel +44-1527-888-060

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