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123 Insight Launches New Educational MRP Videos

123 Insight Launches New Educational MRP Videos

123 Insight has released a series of educational videos covering the fundamentals of MRP, aimed at companies looking to understand more about what manufacturing software can do for their business.

MRP Educational videos from 123 Insight. Initially launching with eight videos, topics covered range from covering a short history of MRP, common implementation mistakes, how MRP and lean manufacturing can work hand in hand, elements of an MRP system and bringing structure to your MRP system.

“The thought of either implementing MRP for the first time or replacing an existing system can leave many feeling in the dark. These videos are designed to give viewers a ‘quick hit’ of information, giving them a basic understanding of each video’s subject matter and shining a light on where they can find out more information in order to take the next step. They can then either request access to our free MRP demo movies or attend one of our online or local educational events,” said Simon Badger, Managing Director.

More videos will be released each month. Users can also subscribe to the 123 Insight YouTube channel to be notified automatically when new videos are released.

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