Epoxy Technology Expands Its Range

Epoxy Technology Expands Its Range

Epoxy Technology Inc, a leading manufacturer of high-performance speciality adhesives for over 52 years, is pleased to announce an expanded range of ISO-10993 medically approved adhesives now totalling 23 products.

To date, 14 epoxies have undergone ISO-10993-5 Cytotoxicity testing, an excellent screening test for biocompatibility, and 9 additional products have undergone even more screening, passing all ISO-10993 -4,5,6,10,11 testing. Included in testing for EPO-TEK MED-301 was an extended implantation test, from the normal 2 weeks to 12 weeks, which it passed. This specific optically clear epoxy adhesive is one of the most popular and well-proven materials often used for moulding header systems on many types of devices including pacemakers, ICDs and neurostimulators.

“We are committed to testing all of our MED adhesives to the industry’s most comprehensive ISO-10993 biocompatibility standards and will continue to perform this level of testing, adding more adhesives to this important line of products in the coming year. We recognise the importance of this testing, as well as the critical quality assurance requirements needed in the medical device design and manufacturing community and are proud to be a trusted and leading supplier to them,” said Joan Bramer, Global Sales and Marketing Director of Epoxy Technology Inc.

All Epoxy Technology MED datasheets are available online and contain information on specific applications, testing methodology, extensive product data, as well as sterilisation compatibility.

John P Kummer Ltd, a specialist distributor of instruments used in the manufacturing of semiconductors, are the official distributor in the UK/Ireland for the complete range of EPO-TEK adhesives.

“We are proud to distribute EPO-TEK Epoxy adhesives, knowing that they have passed such important biocompatibility standards and quality assurance tests. It is great news that all of the Epoxy adhesives that we distribute from the line of biocompatible adhesives have been tested to the most stringent ISO-10993 testing method,” added Rex Sandbach, Director of John P Kummer Ltd.

John P Kummer Ltd were recently appointed as exclusive European distributors for the TAEHA and NSW Automation manufactured dispensers in 2018 to add to their existing Precifluid® line.

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