Have you ever heard about the galvanic series and wondered what it is or how it affects you? Luke Stone, Technical Service Engineer at Cortec® Corporation, recently shared valuable insights on that topic.
What Is the Galvanic Series?
Luke pointed to the hierarchy of metals as the main culprit for galvanic corrosion. Different types of metals are considered more or less noble and are arranged accordingly in the galvanic series. Platinum and gold are at the top (more noble, less reactive) while aluminum and zinc (less noble, more reactive) are near the bottom. Yellow metals are somewhere in the middle, with iron and steel less noble than bronze and copper but more noble than aluminum and zinc.
Why Does Galvanic Corrosion Occur?
When different types of metal that are far apart on the galvanic series come in contact with each other, the corrosion potential of the more noble metal will be shifted to the less noble metal. Luke explained that, in such cases, “things like copper are going to preferentially cause things like steel to corrode. Things like steel are going to preferentially cause things like aluminum to corrode….” He noted that metal contact points, such as fasteners with different metals, are a good “canary in the coal mine” to identify galvanic corrosion concerns.
How to Avoid Galvanic Corrosion Surprises
Galvanic corrosion can take people by surprise when they are only protecting one type of metal (e.g., steel) in a multi-metal system. While they may have thought that the brass or aluminum in the system did not need corrosion protection due to higher corrosion resistance, Luke explained that this can do a “severe disservice” by pushing corrosion attack down the line to the less noble metal. Instead, the key to preventing galvanic corrosion (when it is not possible to electrically isolate dissimilar metals) is to choose a corrosion preventative product—whether paint, VpCI® packaging, or a liquid rust preventative—that protects all types of metals in the system.
Cortec® Corporation is the global leader in innovative, environmentally responsible VpCI® and MCI® corrosion control technologies for the Packaging, Metalworking, Construction, Electronics, Water Treatment, Oil & Gas, and other industries. Headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota, Cortec® manufactures over 400 products distributed worldwide. ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified, and ISO 17025 Accredited.
The comments above barely scratch the surface of galvanic corrosion, but they offer a major step forward in preventing it. If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to contact our team today to get started in your fight against galvanic corrosion!
Find our more at www.cortecvci.com
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