German Fire Brigade Association (DFV) Becomes New PMeV Member


The German Fire Brigade Association (DFV) has joined the network of experts of the Bundesverband Professioneller Mobilfunk e.V. (PMeV). DFV president Karl-Heinz Banse says: “We want to profit from the PMeV expertise and also use the available knowhow for our technical discussions. The PMeV Association includes numerous important stakeholders and partners for mission-critical mobile communication. The fire brigades represent by far the largest group of users in this sector. Resilient and fail-safe communication is of utmost importance for every fire-fighting operation.“

The PMeV is an Association of leading vendors and users of communication systems and solutions for mission- and business-critical mobile communications. The objective of the DFV as new PMeV member is to ensure the further alignment of interests existing in the different areas and to mutually benefit from each other both technically and strategically. The Association has already been a member of the DFV Sponsoring Group. A permanent involvement of PMeV in the work of the Technical Committee for Control Centers and Digitization of the German Fire Brigades is currently being evaluated.

The DFV represents 1.3 million members in voluntary, youth, professional and company fire brigades in 24 thousand fire departments and equipment houses throughout Germany.  “We are very pleased that the German Fire Brigade Association as the largest user group of mission-critical communication systems has now joined our Association. Thanks to the technical expertise of the DFV, we expect valuable contributions and impetus from the user point of view concerning the further development and future expansion of secure and highly available communications in Germany“, says Bernhard Klinger, Chairman of the PMeV Board of Management, and is delighted to have won this strong strategic partner for the association work. The PMeV brings together vendors and users to jointly discuss opportunities and risks of various solution approaches and concepts and evaluate different technologies and technical solutions. The Association provides a forum for a neutral, manufacturer-independent and partnership-based dialog.


The PMeV is a network of experts for mission- and business-critical as well as highly-available communication solutions in mobile professional applications. The PMeV is conceptual carrier of the PMRExpo. Its members include manufacturers, system providers and application houses, network operators, users and consultants. The association demonstrates the importance of critical communication solutions for business and national economies and influences the political and regulatory parameters and framework for the use of professional mobile communication solutions. In its role as a leading competence centre for Secure Communication in Germany, PMeV offers a forum for a neutral, manufacturer-independent and collaborative dialogue with market partners, politicians as well as public authorities and institutions.

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