Tantec-UK Ltd and Tantec A/S work closely together at the forefront of plasma and corona science and manufacturing to bring about incredible changes to materials to solve a wide variety of problems.

There are several key problem areas that surface modification can solve, some traditional and obvious, some a little less obvious and being utilised more and more with a greater push from manufacturing companies around the globe.

Key areas of concern have always been in adhesion problems, solving the problems of adhesive adhesion, printing ink adhesion, coatings and tape adhesion and working with any other interface where adhesion needs to be controlled.

Plasma is gaining a reputation now not just for ‘making things stick’ but also as a highly controllable reaction system, providing the ability to attach functional groups to base substrates without the need for wet chemical reaction vessels. Adding specific functional groups to materials can influence the surface to increase or decrease adhesion, as well as tailoring the surface chemistry for further processing.

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