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MEM Consumer

Consumer Behaviour is Changing But are the Big Brands Keeping Up?


Consumer in the UK are increasingly prioritising sustainability, according to a recent global survey from J. Walter Thompson Intelligence – 83% of adults in the UK would ALWAYS pick brands that have better sustainability records. This accelerating change in consumer perception adds further headache for businesses who may be lagging behind with their sustainability efforts. Constantly checking inventory, worrying about packing orders correctly, and getting the order out the door as fast as possible to meet customer expectations is now no longer enough, in addition to the normal day-to-day activities, businesses now must have a new priority – sustainability.

Walter Thompson’s research also shows that more than half (54%) of consumer take sustainable packaging into account when choosing products to purchase. Younger consumers – those 44 and under – are leading the charge with 83% reporting that they are willing to pay more for brands to implement sustainable packaging. The times are changing, and sustainability is being increasingly prioritised by everyone from consumers to governments to other businesses.

Don’t get left behind…

The first physical impression a customer has of your business is when they receive and unbox their order, so making sure that your packaging fits in with their sustainable preferences is becoming increasingly important.

Brands like Amazon and ASOS have come under fire recently for using excessive packaging, shipping small products in excessively large boxes. This practice simply isn’t good enough, we’re all told to reduce our consumption and use less, yet when you purchase a charger some retailers ship it in a box large enough for TV. By introducing Ribble Right Size to your packaging supply you will be able to create custom sized boxes for all your products, on-site, on-demand. Therefore, reducing your overall packaging usage and eliminating the need for excess plastic packaging and, increasing vehicle utilisation by allowing you to fit more products in each vehicle.

However, customers now have many different priorities when it comes to making a purchase decision, not only do they need businesses to be sustainable, but they also need them to be cheap, and utilising sustainable practices while keeping costs low is a major issue in business today. Introducing Ribble Right Size saves businesses an average of 30% on their total packaging spend.

One Right Size customer FERO had this to say about Ribble Right Size; “Our packaging process has been drastically improved by it becoming a completely environmentally sustainable process, we’ve gained back administrative resources and its given us a huge advantage over our competition.”


To find out more visit: or call: 0161 284 9000

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