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Tiptree Jam Reveals Turnover at Nearly £50M

Tiptree Jam Reveals Turnover at Nearly £50M

Newly filed results have revealed that the turnover for the company behind Tiptree jam is approaching the £50 million mark. Wilkin & Son comprises the Tiptree brand of conserves, patisseries and drinks, as well as the Thursday Cottage, Jules & Sharpie and Cole’s Puddings businesses.

Accounts filed for the year to 31 December 2018 revealed turnover at Wilkin & Sons climbed to £47.9 million, up from £44.6 million 12 months earlier. The business also made a pre-tax profit of £3.7 million, down from £12.5 million in 2017, although last year’s figure was skewed by a £9.3 million gain on disposal of land and buildings.

Moreover, in 2017 the introduction of Tiptree fruit liqueurs was boosted by the introduction of rum and vodka in 2018. Thursday Cottage sales passed £2.6 million for the first time, with the group’s farming division also performing well.

Tiptree Patisserie had a “tougher year” due to fluctuations in raw material costs and the integration of Danbury Fine Food, the bread operation of which has since been disbanded.

Wilkin & Sons chairman Walter Scott hailed “another successful year” for the group. “All parts of our business performed well, albeit with an element of swings and roundabouts, our strategy of careful diversification if proving to be very sound,” it added.

Scott also vowed to be “watchful of all events concerning Brexit”. He said: “Suffice to say that last year our export market was stronger in the rest of the world than Europe. “We had particular success in the USA and the Middle East, which we hope will continue.”

The first Tiptree conserves were produced in 1885 when Arthur Charles Wilkin started the Britannia Fruit Preserving Company with two friends.

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