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SmarterNaturally – The Super Soup Designed to Tackle Type 2 Diabetes


The benefits of broccoli have been gaining traction as a super-food, but not all broccoli varieties are the same. This new, unique variety of broccoli is called GRextra. Grown in the UK, it has now been formulated into a ‘super-soup’ called SmarterNaturally.

What makes the soup special is its very high levels of a health-boosting molecule called glucoraphanin. Once in our gut, this molecule’s active form (called sulforaphane) turns on anti-oxidant genes in our cells, which can help maintain a healthier metabolism – particularly as we age.

Smarter Foods is a spin-out from one of the UK’s leading food and health research organisations, Quadram Institute, with science funded by UK taxpayers. Company data has shown that when its unique broccoli (which is naturally rich in the health-boosting compound glucoraphanin) is incorporated into a soup, eating just one bowl a week can help lower elevated blood glucose and maintain it over time.  

SmarterNaturally has just launched a new-and-improved version of their SuperSoup, now packed with even more science-backed health benefits than before. The new soup recipe has added chicory root, and contains almost 20g of dietary fibre per bowl (that’s 2/3 of our RDA), offering a whole new range of health benefits. Most UK adults only eat around 20g of fibre a day, so eating a bowl of SuperSoup can now provide a huge – and much needed – boost to the nation’s fibre intake and gut health. Plus, the SuperSoup is still packed with bioactive botanicals (such as the natural health-boosting compound glucoraphanin) that help to repair our metabolism, which research suggests can offer health benefits across a wide range of other health areas, including tackling high blood sugar levels. It’s a super-healthy, plant-based and minimally-processed meal that’s now even better for your health – and you still only need to eat one bowl a week to feel a difference!

With rates of type-2 diabetes rising ever higher and the drugs used to manage high blood sugar levels in critically short supply, SmarterNaturally is expanding into international markets where diabetes presents just as big a challenge as it does here in the UK.

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