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The UK’s Big Switch to Telephone Cloud Is Coming

The UK’s Big Switch to Telephone Cloud Is Coming

During 2025, the Government and telecomms industry leaders will be turning off the telephone system as we know it, making room for telephone cloud. This means that analogue (PSTN – Public Switch Telephone Network) and ISDN lines will stop working, as the UK moves to new SOGEA lines and full fibre solutions.

But one innovative firm – TelephoneSystems.Cloud – has already embraced cloud technology – and is determined to help people understand the transition ahead. It says there are huge benefits in prospect for both the business and domestic market – including cheaper phone bills. You can read more about the changes here.

At present, people can make voice telephone calls on the same line as broadband – but this is being phased out. This means there will be no voice provision on the line and it will become broadband only.

Instead, people will use the new SOGEA (Single Order Generic Ethernet Access) line – broadband which doesn’t require a telephone line connection, or full fibre solutions. New build properties are already being introduced without analogue lines and will have an internet-based connection.

The Big Switch aims to increase the capacity across the country for broadband to speed up internet services, while at the same time moving phone calls to the internet or cloud.

“We want to raise awareness of this huge change that will affect homes and businesses across the country,” said Alastair Bates, Managing Director of TelephoneSystems.Cloud.

“Change is coming – it is not optional – but there are big benefits coming for consumers and businesses. For businesses, this Big Switch, moving telephone services to the cloud and the internet – promises to deliver quicker broadband, cheaper phone services and more flexibility to give and receive calls and do so much more on your phone than you might already be able to do.

“People don’t need to worry about this change, but by acting now, they can make the change well in advance of the deadline in 2025 and enjoy the benefits of switching early.”

People will increasingly start to see SOGEA services being offered at a cheaper rate than their existing landline, and deals may come with a VOiP package as well. People can either decide to have a router upgrade and plug their phone into it, or opt for cloud based technology and have their landline connected to their mobile. Others still may decide to get rid of their existing landline altogether.

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