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Refurbishing Sash Windows: A How-to Guide


Sash windows are an elegant and timeless feature in a property, with the word ‘sash’ referring to a single frame for glazing. The sash sits inside the frame, which is fixed to the house, and were originally popular within the Georgian Era, with most builds in London adopting sash windows in some form. Here is some guidance to refurbishing sash windows and keeping them looking refreshed and rejuvenated.


Sometimes, sash windows can become tired due to their age or constant use, meaning a simple lick of paint can be enough to give the window a new lease of life. Over the years, layers of paint have been applied which may make the sash too big to slide up and down. To ensure they are cared for correctly, you should treat the original wooden windows to keep the timber healthy, as well as giving it a fresh coat of paint.

Inspect the sashes and sills

Over time, the joints on the sashes may have become loose, however these can be easily tightened. If the glass is broken or cracked, this should also be replaced at this stage, as well as checking the sill to see if it is soft, rotten, or mouldy. However, if rot has set into a large section, sash windows from Quickslide offer a selection of styles with increased security as a brilliant option for windows that need replacing.

Removing the sashes

Removing the sashes from the window may not be necessary if a window can be easily fixed, however if the wood or pane of the window needs refurbishing or replacing, the top and bottom sashes should be removed safely. To do this, the staff bead and the parting bead are removed – the beads are the small strips of wood that run from top to bottom. If a knockout panel exists, it is easier to access a sash window’s ropes and weights without removing the trim.

Check the box, weights, and pulleys

The box is the area behind the pulleys that contains the weights that are attached to the sash. It is important to check for any rotten areas in the box and repair it, as well as removing any excess paint. The weights in the window boxes can sometimes be wrong for the windows, which can cause the windows to run unevenly. In this instance, replace any incorrect weights to suit the window that is installed. In addition, make sure the pulleys are oiled so the window can run smoothly. If they do not operate smoothly, they should be replaced with new ones.

Re-fit the sashes

Ensure that the glass and timber is in a good condition before refitting the pane. Rope in an extra pair of hands to put the window back together by reinserting your sash weights and tap the wooden panels back into place. Follow the instructions for the specific window installed if there are any additional care steps, and once back into place it will need repainting to look good as new.

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