Manufacturers Start Thinking Beyond Survival and Begin to Find Ways to Thrive in Today’s Global Economy

Manufacturers Start Thinking Beyond Survival and Begin to Find Ways to Thrive in Today’s Global Economy : UK manufacturers will experience yet another sea change over the next few years, in part, due to variability that may seem beyond their control.

In addition, we are living through a perfect storm of fresh political will driving toward improving local economic and social sustainability.  There is a growing realization that long and global supply chains contain embedded waste, cash grabbing inventory, inflexibility, and all types of risk.  Some of the changes will include manufacturing process capacity being re-shored with supply chains de-globalized and localized closer to European consumers.

This is forcing a rethink of how future business processes should be structured and recapitalized and will demand a re-focus on improving the competitiveness of the local manufacturing capability. Today’s manufacturers need to start thinking beyond mere survival but shift their focus on finding ways to thrive in today’s global economy by also improving customer delivery and differentiating not only their products but their entire company and brand.

This transformation to Take Back Manufacturing will not be an easy journey, but for many manufacturers it’s a welcome challenge.

Luckily, the equipment and technologies that help manufacturers run their businesses have gone through significant advancements though automation alone is not enough to stay ahead in today’s ultra-competitive environment. The good news is that never has there been such immense opportunities for growth in manufacturing.  With local take back initiatives and, in many cases, financial incentives, now is the time to for manufacturers to reconsider their supply chain, business processes, and innovation plans.

Join SHEA Global and Nigel Southway for our live webinar on Friday, September 25, 2020 at 2:00 PM (BST) to learn how your company can Take Back Manufacturing and become an industry disruptor rather than become disrupted.  We also offer a FREE Industry 4.0 Assessment for those that are ready to begin their journey.

Click here for more details and to register for free.

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