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MEM Business

Focus on Communication More!


Communication is a key driver of competitive advantage for any business and it has been fundamentally changed by the advancement of digital enterprise technologies, both internally and externally.

From the humble email to smart mobile devices, cloud platforms and next gen apps, never have customers, suppliers and employees been so connected. At the same time however, these ever-growing, multi-platform networks comprised of old and new technologies can become unwieldly and difficult to manage, restricting the very agility and collaboration they were once revered for. The solution is simple – unify the IT, cloud and communication systems.

To become a true digital business, an organisation needs to adopt an ‘always on’ infrastructure, supported by an agile workforce which is always fully connected and protected. Unified communications provide a consistent user interface and user experience across multiple devices and media types, instead of a single product or collection of disparate products. In this way, unified communications enable seamless information sharing, knowledge gathering, collaboration and productivity.

In order to get a deeper understanding of how businesses are coping with the demands of this very rapidly changing world, UK manufacturers are being asked to complete this survey:

The survey wants to find out how UK manufacturers collaborate and share information now, and what their plans are for the future, as well as what the pain points involved with adopting a more connected enterprise are, and whether businesses are already future-proofing their IT and communication networks.

A comprehensive insights report will be created once the results come through and all contributing business will receive their own copies.

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