IMS Celebrates First Year Success

UK Manufacturing Growing at Best Rate for Two Years

IMS Celebrates First Year Success : International Manufacturing Solutions is celebrating its first year success, with MACH 2016 boosted enquiries and orders.

The recently established firm has posted an order list of £388,500 from exhibition MACH 2016, which has significantly helped the company to a successful first year.

At the exhibition, an order was placed for a ‘GER large vertical spindle CNC grinding machine’, which represents a successful end to negotiations.

After completing its first year in business, the latest success means IMS is celebrating orders worth £770,000 already.

GER, a Spanish firm, has been constructing grinding machines for over 60 years, selling them in more than 25 countries around the world.

Both companies appeared at a MACH event was the first time in 2016, where GER was collocated with IMS.

As well as the second day order, IMS reported over 20 enquiries and the logging of an identifiable requirement.

Following the exhibition that took place in April, IMS have also reported that quotations worth just under £500,000 have been issued to new clients of the company.

IMS says that these new enquires have come as a direct consequence of exhibiting at MACH 2016.

Philip Wilkinson, one of the directors at IMS, commented that the company is pleased with the success they have achieved so far, but admits they expected this level of achievement even at such an early stage in the company’s lifespan.

Mr Wilkinson added that GER offers an extensive range of machines, in relation to both grinding machine and size.

The basic range offered by GER includes CNC cylindrical grinders, CNC rotary table grinders, CNC internal grinders, CNC vertical grinders and CNC plane and profile surface grinders.

Cylindrical grinders are available in GER’s standard range with central capacities between 350 to 6,000 mm, with more than 100 standard models available from the company’s range.

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