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How can Lightbulb Credit help your business?

How can Lightbulb Credit help your business?

Lightbulb Credit supports businesses to understand, improve and monitor their credit profiles. 

[Learn more about Lightbulb Credit]

Case study: a plastic manufacturer based in the West Midlands 

The problem

The client was acquiring reasonable credit terms from a few suppliers, but not from many of its key suppliers. After receiving access to data from one of the leading agencies, the client couldn’t understand why they were being declined credit terms. This was because the credit profile data they had access to was favourable. 

The solution

The client’s accountant advised them to sign up for Lightbulb Credit’s whole market Credit Monitoring service, which showed them a holistic view of credit profiles from each agency. The report identified that one of the agencies had a significantly worse view of the business than the others.

The result

Lightbulb Credit provided updated information to the agency in question, which addressed the disparity immediately.

“As a CFO, I was looking for a company that could support me in the fluctuating world of credit ratings and provide me with an independent view of our business. Lightbulb has more than delivered this and beyond. 

The regular monthly updates on our business credit status save me time by alerting me to any changes that occur. This insight has enabled a much more proactive approach to credit management which is invaluable in today’s uncertain world.”

[Read the full case study]

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