Peel’s ambitious proposals to build a £1 billion scheme known as Trafford Waters, which will see the creation of up to 3,000 apartments and more than 860,000 sq ft of office space in Greater Manchester, look set to be given the go ahead.
An outline planning application by Peel Investments (North) to regenerate land bounded by the Trafford Centre, the Manchester Ship Canal, Chill Factore and B&Q is set to be reviewed by Trafford Council’s planning committee next on Thursday, October 13. Peel first unveiled its Trafford Water vision in March last year and submitted the planning application a month later.
The proposals involve the creation of up to 3,000 apartments, 861,113 sq ft of grade A office space, 72,119 sq ft of commercial accommodation, 300 hotel bedrooms likely to be split across two independent buildings, a 150-bed care home, a 420-pupil primary school, a pedestrian footbridge over Trafford Boulevard and extensive public realm. The tallest buildings within the proposed development would be 16-storeys in height.
It is anticipated that the scheme would be delivered across six phases, beginning with the area around All Saints’ Church, and have a total build-out time of 15-20 years. Once complete, it would support 4,724 jobs mainly within the office blocks.
Ahead of the meeting, a planning officer’s report has recommended that councillors should resolve that they would be minded to grant permission and that the determination of the application should be deferred to the head of planning.
It said: “Officers consider that this development would make best use of this strategically important, vacant site. It would contribute towards addressing the identified housing shortfall in Trafford, during this plan period and beyond, and would provide a range of new jobs as well as expanded shopping opportunities and social infrastructure designed to meet the needs of the Trafford Waters population.
“Subject to compliance with the conditions outlined within this report, Trafford Waters is considered to be a sustainable development that creates a mixed and balanced community within it. Officers therefore recommend this outline application for approval.”