Manufacturer Reveals Preparing for UK’s New Trading Rules ‘Easier Than You Think’

Manufacturer Reveals Preparing for UK's New Trading Rules 'Easier Than You Think'

Manufacturer Reveals Preparing for UK’s New Trading Rules ‘Easier Than You Think’ : Preparing for the UK’s new trading rules with the EU is easier than people think, according to rubber products manufacturer Christopher Brindle. The Commercial Director for Manchester-based Trafford Rubber Products, Christopher said: “Once you start to unpack what you need to do, you will be surprised how straightforward it is.”

His team are now set for new customs procedures to sell their products into the EU once the Transition period ends on December 31, and he has urged other businesses to get going if they want to take advantage of new opportunities in 2021.

His call comes as the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) prepares to deliver new webinars this week to help businesses understand the important actions they need to take to be ready for 1 January 2021. 

Webinars are free, and depending on the topic being covered, take between 45-90 minutes. Upcoming topics include chemicals, use of personal data and business travel. Webinars are available for ‘on-demand’ viewing, including a dedicated webinar for the metals and materials sector. 

To ensure they have good understanding of what changes need to be made to the business, Trafford Rubber Products have been: 

  • Working with freight forwarder partners, the chamber of commerce, Department for International Trade (DIT) contacts and other organisations to make sure the information they act upon is accurate and relevant 
  • Linking directly with HMRC and Border Force to create new systems of working
  • Training staff on export documentation through Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce 

“We obtained EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification) numbers for our businesses last year and our forwarders have been very helpful in developing online systems for customs clearance. In truth its much like shipping outside of the EU and most forwarders are well prepared and want to help.”

Christopher has found that many of Trafford Rubber Products’ EU customers buy from organisations outside of the EU so are familiar with how to handle the process – which, in turn, is something that applies for imports to his business. 

“So long as you have your EORI number and a working knowledge of export paperwork you should be fine,” he added.

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