Tower Bridge Exhibition Announces New Tour Dates for 2016

Tower Bridge Exhibition Announces New Tour Dates for 2016

The Tower Bridge Exhibition has announced new dates for Engineering Tours in November and December this year.

Now is the chance for people to go behind the scenes at the iconic Tower Bridge as November will see the return of the Bridge’s famous Engineering Tours, which offer visitors the opportunity to experience the inner workings of the most famous bridge in the world, used by more than 40,000 people every day.

The two hour tours will be led by one of Tower Bridge’s experienced guides and will cost £50 per person divided into two parts.

Part One will include an audio-visual discovery of the Tower Bridge Exhibition which will explain the bridge’s fascinating history and its construction. Visitors will be able to experience the thrill of the panoramic Walkways, which are suspended 42 metres above the River Thames with far-reaching views across London, before discovering the atmospheric setting of the Bridge’s Engine Rooms. These feature the magnificent restored steam pumping engines, accumulators and boilers that were used to power the bridge lifts until 1976.

The second part of the tour is led by one of the Bridge’s Senior Technical Officers who will escort visitors to various areas which would normally be out of bounds to the public, including the Bridge Control Room and the immense Bascule Chambers below river level.  The tour will also include the Machinery Room, which is home to the impressive hydraulics that power the lifting of the Bridge. Visitors will be able to discover just how the Bridge works today and ask their experts any questions they may have.

Coinciding with the new Engineering Tour dates is Tower Bridge’s Road Closure which will take place from October 1 to December 30. Whilst Tower Bridge Road will be closed to vehicles during the works, Tower Bridge Exhibition will be open as usual.

In fact, the essential maintenance works will add a new dimension to the experience as visitors will be able to enjoy an aerial view of the once-in-a-generation conservation works from the bridge’s million pound Glass Floor installation.

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