Siemens Picks Up UK Best Factory Awards


Siemens Healthcare has won 3 awards at the UK Best Factory Awards held on Friday 25th September.

  • Siemens MR Magnet Technology (SMT) based in Eynsham, Oxford, received awards for:
  • Factory of the Year 2015
  • Best Engineering Plant Award
  • People and Skill Development Award
  • More than 30% of the MRI scanners installed in hospitals worldwide feature a superconducting magnet manufactured at the Siemens MR Magnet Technology (SMT) plant in Eynsham, Oxfordshire.

The Best Factory Awards (BFA) now in its 24th year, is one of the most sought after manufacturing awards within the UK. The awards are run in partnership between Works Management magazine and Cranfield School of Management.
Craig Marshall, Managing Director of Siemens MR Magnet Technology, said: This is a fantastic achievement for all of the staff, external recognition of what we do and how we do it is massively motivational. The BFA judging criteria is particularly focused on being able to demonstrate that the culture within the factory reflects our values and the overall strategy is understood and indeed embraced by everyone on the payroll.

These new awards for Siemens MR Magnet Technology, are a reflection of the journey the company has been on since its formation in 2003. The life blood of Siemens Magnet Technology is challenge and continuous improvement which has resulted in driving up productivity through increasing efficiency, instilling and incentivising a sustainable culture of continuous improvement, all of which is backed up with rigorous skills training. At the centre of the Siemens Magnet Technology strategy wheel is a neat saying which we live by, Don’t limit your challenges, Do challenge your limits. This phrase epitomises the mind set we promote. I recently pulled up an apprentice for not correcting me when I called him by the wrong name, deference cannot be allowed to trump mistakes, when I or the rest of the senior team are wrong we need to hear it.

The team at Siemens MR Magnet Technology, are not strangers to the Best Factory Awards. Winning three awards in 2012 for Best Engineering Plant, Supply Chain Award, Innovation Award and was also highly commended in a 4th category Skills Development Award.

Siemens Healthcare is one of the world’s largest suppliers to the healthcare industry and a trendsetter in medical imaging, laboratory diagnostics, medical information technology and hearing aids. Siemens offers its customers products and solutions for the entire range of patient care from a single source’ from prevention and early detection to diagnosis, and on to treatment and aftercare. By optimising clinical workflows for the most common diseases, Siemens also makes healthcare faster, better and more cost-effective.

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