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JOSCAR Live 2023 Wraps Up, Showcasing Industry Innovation and Community Collaboration

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The JOSCAR Live conference ended triumphantly, leaving attendees inspired, enlightened, and connected. JOSCARThe event, held at Farnborough International Exhibition Centre last week, and sponsored by some of the industry’s leading prime contractors, brought together industry professionals, and entrepreneurs from across the JOSCAR community.

In addition to thought-provoking talks and engaging panel discussions, one of the conference’s highlights was the announcement of the winner of the JOSCAR SME Innovation Award. The finalists demonstrated exceptional creativity, vision, and dedication to driving innovation forward, inspiring everyone present.

The judges’ winner, Stuart Bell from Glider Technology, said: “JOSCAR Live proved to be a real community event and provided us with unparalleled access to key defence sector primes in a relaxed but sector focused setting.JOSCAR The cherry on the cake for Glider was winning the JOSCAR SME Innovation Award, and we are already in a number of very positive discussions as a result.”

John Dyson, Head of Technical Sales at Winslow Adaptics, won the Audience Award. He said: “What a great day we had at JOSCAR Live 2023. It was not a ‘standard’ trade show or procurement event – Hellios (and the sponsors!) have created something unique, that offers much more than other events.”

It was not just the award finalists who shone during the conference. The JOSCAR community came together in an unparalleled display of collaboration, support, and shared passion for progress. They proudly showed what can be achieved when buyers and suppliers come together.

“JOSCAR Live was always about bringing suppliers and buyers together, and it certainly achieved that”, said Colin Maund, CEO of Hellios. “The success of the event is a testament to the incredible individuals and companies within our vibrant community who are passionate about driving innovation and fostering collaboration. The JOSCAR SME Innovation Award finalists have demonstrated immense potential within the JOSCAR supplier community, and their achievements will undoubtedly inspire others to push boundaries and seek new avenues for growth.”

As the conference ended, attendees left with a renewed sense of purpose, armed with insights, connections, and ideas to drive their organisations forward. The impact of JOSCAR Live will be felt across the industry as the community continues to build upon the collaborations and knowledge shared during this remarkable event.

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