Introducing the MEM Awards with Manufacturing & Engineering Magazine

MEM Awards


This year, Manufacturing & Engineering Magazine is launching the MEM Awards, an awards ceremony in celebration of the most innovative, responsible and capable organisations and individuals throughout the manufacturing and engineering sectors. Serving as the grandest celebration of innovation, practices, excellence and corporate social responsibility across the manufacturing and engineering sectors, the 2017 awards will set the precedent for MEM’s annual awards, each celebrating excellence across the width and breadth of the sectors.

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Complete and Upload to our Online Entry System. All Entries are Free – Don’t Miss your Chance to Win!

Attracting hundreds of entries from some of the leading people and companies across 31 categories, this year’s MEM Awards is predicted to be a considerable hit with the industry, drawing large crowds and involvement from many of the industry’s largest organisations, as well as those SMEs reputedly bringing considerable innovation to the sector. This will see a comprehensive mix of organisations and individuals from every corner of the sector, from organisations of all shapes and sizes, and prove to be amongst the most comprehensive sector-wide awards to date.

We are hugely excited to have launched these awards – this will be your chance to make your mark on the industry, and to celebrate your excellence through a national platform, with considerable weight placed behind the awards by Manufacturing & Engineering Magazine itself – a leading publication within the relevant sectors.

The sumptuous gala dinner and awards ceremony will take place at The Hilton Birmingham Metropole on 7 June 2017, providing a luxurious location for black-tie attendance and celebration of excellence within the sectors. Being in the heartland of the UK, the location also provides considerable accessibility, being near Birmingham NEC itself.

For more information on what the judges look for in a winning campaign or agency, take a look at our judging process & criteria. Want to know what will make you entry stand out to our judges? Download our Guide to Entering Awards for further hints & tips on writing a successful entry.

Manufacturing & Engineering Magazine | The Home of Manufacturing Industry News

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