AME shortlisted for Guardian University Award

AME shortlisted for Guardian University Award

AME, otherwise known as The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering is a collaboration between Coventry University and Unipart Manufacturing. In part funded by the HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England), AME creates a stage for collaboration between academia and industry where R&D can be carried out in a ‘live’ manufacturing environment. It forms what has been termed the first academic faculty “on the floor” and has proven so successful that it has been shortlisted at the Guardian University Awards in the Business Partnership category. 

The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering’s 1700m2 hub for manufacturing in Coventry boasts space and facilities to carry out large-scale R&D projects. Recent developments have looked at revolutionary powertrain solutions targeted at the rail, aerospace and automotive sectors.

AME director Dr Carl Perrin was delighted about the award nomination. However, he highlighted a number of detractors who felt industry and academia couldn’t coexist harmoniously. This award is proof that they were wrong. It hasn’t been plain sailing, he says, acknowledging that it took time to get two very different cultures to work together. However, what has ultimately been created is a “step change in manufacturing education” and will provide the country with the capacity to make tangible commercial gains from its innovation and expertise.

Perrin believes much of the praise given to AME over the last few months has been about its potential going forward. He said, a year and a half after the facility opened it is delivering “innovative learning” while “forging relationships with the supply chain” and establishing “lightweight technology” in the market which is creating work and jobs.

Indeed, AME is committed to arming UK industry with the competitive advantage to trade globally, while creating and generating real economic value. In the Guardian University Awards it is up against universities from Nottingham and Leeds with the winner announced on March 16.

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