ALFED Business Briefing and Annual Dinner welcomes record numbers

ALFED Business Briefing and Annual Dinner welcomes record number of members and announces new President

ALFED Business Briefing and Annual Dinner welcomes record number of members and announces new President

The Aluminium Federation (ALFED) announced the appointment of its new president, Mark Allen at the Annual Business Briefing. Replacing outgoing president of Mike Dines, Allen is sales director at Mechatherm International, Britain’s largest global aluminium furnace supplier, and boasts over 25 years’ experience in the aluminium industry.

ALFED’s Annual Business Briefing took place at the Tortworth Hotel in Gloucester last week and was hailed a great success following a record turnout of over 120 delegates from across the UK aluminium supply chain. The yearly conference, aimed at strengthening collaboration between members and providing opportunities for attendees to share data and insights, featured a series of addresses from experts across the industry including Malindi Myers (Bank of England), Christian Mildner (London Metal Exchange), Paul Williams (CRU), David Jenkins (DESNZ), and Miles Prosser (International Aluminium Institute).

The daytime event was followed by ALFED’s annual black-tie dinner and charity casino evening, this year attended by more than 250 members and welcoming special guest speaker, Ed Balls, who delivered the closing after-dinner speech. In his keynote address, Mike Dines announced the end of his presidency, expressing his gratitude to ALFED members and extending his personal support to incoming president, Mark Allen.

The dinner also saw the announcement of ALFED board member and ex-president between 2010-11, Colin Davies’ retirement. In his speech, Mike Dines praised Davies for his commitment to ALFED and the Aluminium industry over the years.

For more information about the Aluminium Federation and to become a member, visit

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