OPC : Supporting Neurodiversity in Recruitment

Supporting Neurodiversity in Recruitment: Valuable New Guidance from OPC Assessment

At OPC Assessment, they’re committed to promoting fairness and inclusivity in psychometric testing, especially when it comes to neurodiversity. Their dedicated team of business psychologist and assessors have produced a new resource to help support HR and recruitment professionals to make fair and unbiased decisions when assessing neurodiverse candidates, particularly those with dyslexia – one of the most common neurodivergences.

The new resource suggests best practice guidance for conducting psychometric assessments, ensuring neurodivergent candidates are not discriminated against, making it a valuable resource for HR and talent acquisition teams. 

The new guidance emphasizes:

  • Establishing support: Enabling candidates to disclose their neurodivergence and request adjustments during the recruitment process.
  • Planning in advance of the testing session: Candidates should be well-informed about the tests, their purpose, and relevance to a role. As best practice, they should also be provided with practice materials well in advance.
  • Potential adjustments for consideration: Provide a toolkit of potential options and adjustments which could be implemented for the testing and assessment environment.

The guidance is not assessment tool specific. OPC Assessment psychologists can provide clients with direct support to determine appropriate adjustments for specific tests, if needed.

As a leading provider of psychometric tests and exercises, OPC Assessment’s approach is to support their clients in making informed decisions that benefit both their organisation and neurodivergent candidates. The new neurodiversity guidance is aimed at enhancing HR professionals’ internal policies and supporting them in their legal obligations. It is not for candidate use.

Contact the friendly OPC Assessment team for more information or a to request a copy of the guidance: admin@theopc.co.uk or +44 (0)1923 234646

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