Funding Boost Creates 25 New IET Engineering Bursaries

Funding Boost Creates 25 New IET Engineering Bursaries

Three charitable organisations have announced their support for the IET Engineering and Technology (IET’s) new bursary scheme which supports apprentices and students who wish to pursue a vocational route into engineering, in particular those who have had to overcome personal challenges to continue an education in engineering.

In the face of an engineering skills shortage throughout the country, the new Engineering Horizons Bursaries aim to help more apprentices and students to become engineers by making a career in engineering more accessible to them. Announcing their support for these bursaries are:

Lloyd’s Register Foundation – 12 bursaries

The Engineers Trust (Worshipful Company of Engineers) – five bursaries

The Manly Trust – two bursaries

The rise in the number of bursaries will improve the accessibility to engineering apprenticeships and undergraduate courses for people who are passionate about their work, though they are restricted by hardship or personal disadvantage.

Linda Deleay, IET Awards and Prizes Manager, said that they have created this new scheme to ensure that personal circumstances aren’t a barrier for new talent entering the profession whether that is at student or apprentice level.

She continued: The generous support of our three partners means we can now award twenty-five bursaries this year, which sends a clear message: a career as an engineer or technician is a choice for anyone regardless of their background, gender, financial or personal circumstances. We hope to be able to offer many more in the coming years.

John Robinson, Chairman at the Engineers Trust, said: The Engineers Trust welcomes the IET initiative and is very pleased to support the Horizon Bursary Scheme which includes both engineering apprenticeships and undergraduate education. Horizon perfectly complements the Trust’s objective of supporting those entering engineering as a career and deserving of financial assistance.

Margaret Manly, Chair of Trustees at The Manly Trust, said: ‘We are very pleased to support this new initiative from the IET, as it accords with our primary objective to encourage any young person to take an interest in and be inspired by STEM subjects.

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