Increasing the Use of AM in Scottish Manufacturing

Increasing the Use of AM in Scottish Manufacturing

On November 16, Tri-Tech 3D, provider of Stratasys, One Click Metal and XJet, will be joining Cadspec at an event hosted by the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) at its new facility in Renfrewshire, Scotland. The event, Today’s Manufacturing, aims to use customer success stories and practical demonstrations to change mindsets about additive manufacturing (AM) and facilitate conversations around manufacturing, and how the industry is changing. 

In June, Tri-Tech 3D joined NMIS at the opening of its new Renfrewshire site, which is home to a new Manufacturing Skills Academy, a fully connected Digital Factory and a publicly accessible Collaboration Hub. The facility covers all levels of AM production — everything from hobbyist machines and prototyping systems to high-end industrial solutions.

As part of its involvement with NMIS, Tri-Tech 3D will collaborate with current and future AM users in Scotland to help build their knowledge and confidence, while they establish successful use cases. 

Today’s Manufacturing will bring local businesses toe to toe with Scottish manufacturers that have already embraced AM and all it has to offer, such as freedom of geometry, improved lead times and high production quality. The event is open to a wide audience including engineering managers, designers, machine operators and business owners.

At the event, Tri-Tech 3D will showcase industry-leading technologies, such as the Fortus 900 and J850 — Stratasys’s flagship fused deposition modelling (FDM) and PolyJet systems — and offer advice on best practice. Together with Cadspec, it hopes to inspire visitors and show how additive can transform their production processes, improve long-term productivity and boost efficiency.

The event begins at 9am with breakfast and refreshments on arrival. After that, visitors can attend a welcome talk from the NMIS team, which will be followed by an opportunity to network, ask any technical queries and experience practical demonstrations. The event will draw to a close at midday, when there will be an opportunity for visitors to go on a tour of the NMIS facility. A full agenda will be released closer to the time.

To register your place at Today’s Manufacturing, reserve your spot for free here. For more information on whether an AM system might be right for your application, visit the Tri-Tech 3D website

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