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What does AI have to do with forestry management? a lot

What does AI have to do with forestry management? It turns out, a lot

What does AI have to do with forestry management? It turns out, a lot : In the midst of a global transformation in which artificial intelligence (AI) is redefining the way we work, communicate and experience the world, its seemingly limitless potential has sparked controversy and uncertainty for the future. Although many argue that AI poses a threat to people’s privacy and intellectual property, there’s no denying that it also offers incredible advantages, one of which is its potential to help in the fight against climate change.

Garnica, a global manufacturer of premium sustainable plywood has been at the forefront of adopting AI into their company framework in order to advance its efforts in environmental protection.

 Through their recent partnership with the School of Agricultural and Forestry Engineering at the University of León (ULE), Garnica is working to develop cutting-edge technologies for forest management, with a focus on maximizing resource efficiency and ecological benefits. The collaborative efforts of Garnica and the ULE promise to redefine industry standards, setting a new benchmark for responsible forestry practices.

 As the demand for eco-conscious construction materials continues to surge, Garnica emerges as a leader in reshaping the architectural and design landscape. Their dedication to responsible wood solutions and innovative sourcing and manufacturing approaches not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also holds the potential to redefine the very essence of the industry.

 Learn more about this or story ideas such as:

  • The ways in which AI is being used to monitor the health status of poplar trees and estimate standing volume.
  • How wood products from Garnica contribute valuable credits towards LEED and BREEAM certifications, two prominent sustainability standards within the construction industry.
  • The potential of AI to redefine the forestry and wood manufacturing sector.

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