Future-proofing Through Turbulent Times…

Future-proofing Through Turbulent Times… : Brexit, the Pandemic and The War in Ukraine. Unless you voted to leave the EU, you really didn’t have any control over how these 3 major factors would impact your business.

Like most businesses, Fine Cut entered in to the Pandemic blind, unsure of how the following weeks and months would unfold for the business. Due to the supply of hospital and medical labels, it was these first imperative weeks which saw how important their labelling solutions were for so many existing and new clients, and gave them their much needed ‘supply chain support’ status.

Brexit loomed for years, preparations were made but there was still uncertainty on how leaving the EU would affect the business. The price increase of sheet materials shot up almost overnight after we left the EU. Sheet metals have increased astronomically, some by 50% and other sheet plastics and consumables by up to 30%. Shopping around isn’t an option anymore as everyone is suffering the same supply issues and increase in costs. Fine Cut continue to hold their close relationships with trusted suppliers to ensure they get the best prices and same quality products.

We haven’t seen the full impact of the War in Ukraine, but with the price of fuel, energy, raw materials and consumer goods already rising, Fine Cut are taking every precaution now to future proof the business as much as possible with the knowledge they currently have. Investment now is key – within staff, machinery and technology as well as infrastructure and energy efficiency.

“With the Global outlook volatile, innovation and investment in the best equipment and people will ensure we are best placed to thrive both now and in the future. You can invest in great people, but if you don’t give them the tools to do the job, they can’t fulfil their potential. Every company decision we make now will have an effect on the business tomorrow. We’re working smarter to ensure we protect the future of Fine Cut”
Managing Director – Peter Tyler

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