Trip Box Offers Flexible, Durable Storage

Trip Box Offers Flexible, Durable Storage

Trip Box : No matter what sector you’re working in, the use of pallets is remains recurrently prevalent, and is necessitated by businesses worldwide. Despite a long history, the industry staple has nevertheless transformed into one of multiple guises and, plastic, says, is the most effective solution.

The UK-based company has recently added a new multi-trip pallet box to its extensive range of plastic storage and conveyance solutions. The Trip Box is designed to offer all the benefits of a traditional sleeve pack system, as well as the enhanced durability plastic provides, alongside improved performance in racking.

The new design is injection-moulded rather than thermoformed as in other sleeve pack systems. While it retains the three-part structure, a plastic pallet base, lightweight plastic sleeve and lid, the Trip Box offers exceptional robustness and long-lasting reliability. It is therefore ergonomically designed for repeated and multiple trips to and from the warehouse.

Despite being early days, the product has already warranted interest from one of the world’s leading aerospace and transport manufacturers. has also reported interest from the chemical sector and a furniture manufacturer. Both are hoping the Trip Box will provide increased safety and quality during delivery.

The Trip Box comes in three sizes: 1,200mm by 1,000mm pallet base, weighing 33kg; 1,210mm by 800mm pallet base, weighing 23.29kg; and a nestable pallet base measuring 800mm by 600mm, weighing just 11kg. The plastic sleeve can be tailored to almost any height, upon request and subject to minimum order.

The plastic sleeve slots precisely into a groove around the pallet edge while the lid is designed to easily locate the top of the sleeve making for fast, effective stacking. Depending on internal weight, the Trip Box can be stored up to three boxes high and has maximum stack load of 1500kg. When folded, the plastic sleeve sits virtually flat and the entire pallet box can be stacked up to 10 boxes high. It therefore requires much less in the way of storage space and can significantly reduce the cost of return journey trips.

Highly adaptable and, crucially, incredibly durable, Trip Box can be customised according to clients’ specific needs.

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