New Manufacturing Centre in Wales

New Manufacturing Centre in Wales

The Welsh Government’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Institute (AMRI) at Broughton in the Deeside Enterprise Zone has been granted planning permission. Work to appoint a Contractor is already underway, which means that construction work will start shortly. The first facility is hoped to be open in summer 2019.

The AMRI programme is believed to increase Welsh GVA by as much as £4 billion over 20 years. The focus of the institute will be on the advanced manufacturing sectors such as aerospace, automotive, nuclear, and food and it will deliver game-changing support to key manufacturing companies as well as multi-sector supply chain companies and the broader SMEs economy.

In order to compete globally, Wales must remain competitive. As set out in our Economic Action Plan this means adapting to modern techniques and understanding the potential opportunities offered by collaboration and changes in economy such as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, said the Economy Secretary.

The new institute will have these aims at its very heart. I am genuinely excited by the impact it could have on our economy and look forward to work progressing well and open the institute hopefully in summer 2019.

The first member to access the Broughton site has already been confirmed and it is Airbus. The approval is fantastic news not only for Airbus and aerospace but other industries such as automotive, said Airbus senior vice president Paul McKinlay, Head of Broughton Plant.

The Institute will give a huge boost to the competitiveness of the advanced manufacturing supply chain in Wales and I am delighted Airbus is part of this exciting journey from the very start.

I’m looking forward to seeing new technologies and techniques being developed under the AMRI roof and the major benefits they will bring, concluded Paul McKinlay.

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