Jaccky Perrenot Orders 250 IVECO Stralis NP Heavy Trucks

Jaccky Perrenot Orders 250 IVECO Stralis NP Heavy Trucks

One of the largest transport firms in operation in Europe has announced that they have ordered 250 Stralis NP heavy trucks with around 200 expected to feature for the new Cursor 13 460 hp natural gas engine. The French transportation company, Jacky Perrenot announced the order at the Soultrans trade show that took place in Lyon.

It is predicted that by the end of 2018, the company will be running nearly 550 Stralis NP heavy trucks, and the company have set a target to be operating 1,000 gas vehicles on the road by 2020. The Chief Executive Officer of the Perrenot Group’s transport subsidiary, Philippe Givone has said that this new order to 250 Stralis NP 460 marks a new milestone in the Group’s history. The company have made the change to gas vehicles a number of years ago and with this new order, the company will be strengthening their position as leaders in clean transport in Europe. This position in the market can be maintained with the support of vehicle manufacturer IVECO and their expertise in the use of alternative fuels.

There is an increasingly comprehensive network of refueling stations for this kind of fuel as well as the new Stralis NP 460, which offers the equivalent or better performance than diesel fuels mean that Jacky Perrenot are able to offer their customers a greener logistics solution while also keeping to their daily commitment to reduce their carbon footprint.

IVECO is supplying vehicles that have been manufactured to Perrenot’s requirements, and allows then to focus on reaching the target of 1,000 gas vehicles in their fleet. With the selection of the most recently manufactured model of the Stralis NP 460, Jacky Perrenot has illustrated the potential in using natural gas and biomethane as an immediate alternative fuel for the freight transport industry.

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