Manufacturer Raises over £14,000 for Charity

Manufacturer Raises over £14,000 for Charity

Nottinghamshire specialist clothing manufacturer SockMine has managed to raise over £14,000 for charity, after account manager Ben Lowe and two friends ran the distance of six marathons in six days. Alongside BBC workers Jason Easy and Katie Bell, Lowe raised around £14,040 for the Light Fund, an organisation which raises money for the likes of Challenge Africa, Children’s Trust and the Orchid Cancer Appeal amongst others.

This gruelling challenge ended following the London Marathon last month, after the trio ran the distance of five marathons between Birmingham and London along the Grand Union Canal, which they began on Tuesday 18th April. As a team they managed to cover 470 miles in total, in what was the ultimate test for the company’s GripLock lightweight socks which all three wore during the challenge.

Ben Lowe commented, It feels incredible to have achieved this feat and to have raised so much for charity in the process. I’d like to thank everyone who has supported us throughout the challenge; especially all those who were generous with their donations. My family and friends were a great support, as were my teammates Jason and Katie, and my dad, Martin, who was our driver, coach, motivator and in charge of supporters’ logistics throughout.

It was a gruelling physical challenge and one of many mixed emotions. The fifth day was particularly hard for me and mile 16 nearly broke me, but we were there for each other, kept going and have achieved something of which we can all be rightfully proud. We pride ourselves on the way that SockMine socks care for your feet, enabling athletes of all abilities to compete harder and for longer. It’s certainly true in this case.

It was a monumental effort by all three participants for a fantastic cause, whilst at the same time proving that SockMine’s products really are worth their salt!

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