11% of UK Manufacturing Workforce is Made up by EU Migrants

11% of UK Manufacturing Workforce is Made up by EU Migrants

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) have issued a report showing EU migrants make up more than one in ten manufacturing sector workers in the United Kingdom, averaging at 11%. This in turn estimates to be about 3.4million workers being foreign nationals. The analysis has shown the significant impact international migrations has held on the UK labour market which has affect in wholesale and retail sectors, alongside hospitality, public administration and health sectors which employ approximately 1.5million non-UK nationals.

Migrants from Bulgaria, Romania and Eastern Europe are likely to work more hours for less wages than British workers, partly a reflection on their numbers in lower skilled jobs. Workers from a group of 14 EU countries including France and Germany earned more (£12.59 per hour) compared with the national average earnings of £11.30 per hour whereas those from Eastern European countries averaged with the lowest hourly pay of £8.33.

The ONS have released that because many non-EU nationals come to the UK for studies this influences their decision to stay in the UK for employment and also revealed that 61% of workers from Bulgaria and Romania worked for more than forty hours per week opposed to British workers were only 32% of them worked 40 hours plus.

One in eight, resulting in 12% in the UK’s financial and business services sector were foreign nationals, including 382,000 from the EU. The government is planning to change the way migration is managed after Brexit has taken its course and the UK and EU stand separately.

The government have not yet released the model they will adopt once the EU free movement no longer has rule over the UK but it has been reported they have confidence the best and brightest will continue to be attracted to the United Kingdom.

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