Advanced Engineering is Repeating and Expanding their Enabling Innovation Hub

Advanced Engineering is Repeating and Expanding their Enabling Innovation Hub

Advanced Engineering is repeating and expanding their Enabling Innovation hub. After the success of last year’s program, the 2017 version is going to be larger than their first year. A firm supporter of the show in Magna International, who were very successful last year and intend on doubling the number of their small and medium enterprises that will attend the show. Magna International is the third largest automotive supplier, and supports the Enabling Innovation hub.

Other supporters for the Advanced Engineering initiative include Easyfairs, who are the event organisers. At the 2017 Enabling Innovation there will be space for up to 50 carefully selected Small and Medium Enterprises and innovators to exhibit their products. The initiative will allow the SMEs and innovators the chance to gain some more publicity, which can allow them to develop and expand. This is good news for the manufacturing, creating a larger market and helping SMEs with extra exposure.

Last year the Enabling Innovation hub attracted 13,000 visitors, making it the UKs largest gathering of professionals within the advance engineering industry. The hub will allow businesses to network, providing access to potential investors or partners. These connections could be made with some of the most important engineering and technology sectors that could allow the innovations to thrive.

Just like as part of last year’s event, Magna International will also be hosting ono-to-one meetings. These meetings with the Research and Development team will allow the innovators at the exhibit to discuss ways to commercialise their designs and ideas. Support from such a large company will make the exhibit an important UK forum that has the potential to commercialise brand new innovations within the engineering sectors. This could benefit lots of different sectors including the aerospace, automotive, rail, civil sectors.

The event will be held 1-2 November at the NEC in Birmingham and will include a total of 700 exhibitors and host more than 170 speakers.

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