The popular Materials 2017 is an initiative dedicated towards introducing a variety of exciting and innovative new materials to the public that take more consideration into the new functions that they can serve in various industries, rather than merely their aesthetic or visual appeal to customers. Metsa Wood, the latest jewel in the crown of the manufacturing and engineering world, for example, has indicated the vast and fantastic potential of good old timber products. that have been used in man-made structures since the days of cavemen and woolly mammoths. The new structure implemented by Metsa Wood is none other than a wooden reconstruction of the Empire State Building, reaching a staggering height of five meters and made entirely from their timber products.
Too often has timber been viewed as an unreliable product for such fantastic structures, but thanks to the combined and collaborative efforts of Metsa Woods and architectural expert Michael Green, alumni of MGA, the structure will be able to demonstrate the capabilities of wood and timber to those that attend the exhibition. Made with a wood product known as Kerto that when burnt actually protects and thus reduces the impact of fire hazards on the wooden structure, it is greatly hoped that the structure will be recognized as an innovative way in which members of the manufacturing industry can return to natural materials such as wood in their manufacturing and building initiatives for the future.
To be held in the London capital at the ILEC Conference Center, this exciting new exhibition is set to rock the manufacturing and engineering world and demonstrate that there are a number of alternatives that can be developed in order to improve the sustainability and future of the manufacturing industry in a world that is declining in resources of every kind every day. The industries around the world need to respond to this and the Materials 2017 exhibition will surely be a way of judging what can be done.
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